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  • The benefit of Mini trampoline workoutDatum11.05.2024 03:51
    Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A mini trampoline, a rebounder, can be a fantastic tool for a fun and effective workout. Here's a sample mini trampoline workout routine you can try:

    Warm-Up (5 minutes)
    Begin with a light jog or march in place on the mini trampoline to get your heart rate up and your muscles warmed up.
    Incorporate arm circles, leg swings, and gentle stretches to prepare your body for the workout.

    Cardio (10-15 minutes)
    Start with basic bouncing. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and gently bounce up and down, engaging your core muscles.
    Gradually increase the intensity by adding some variations like high knees, butt kicks, or jumping jacks.
    Experiment with different arm movements to engage your upper body muscles while bouncing.

    Strength Training (10-15 minutes)
    Perform exercises like squats, lunges, and calf raises on the mini trampoline to target your lower body muscles while also engaging your core for stability.
    Incorporate upper body exercises like bicep curls, shoulder presses, and tricep dips using light dumbbells or resistance bands for added resistance.

    Core Workout (5-10 minutes)
    Sit or lie on the trampoline surface and perform exercises like crunches, leg lifts, bicycle kicks, and plank variations to target your abdominal muscles.
    Utilize the instability of the trampoline surface to engage your core even more effectively.

    Cooldown and Stretching (5-10 minutes)
    Finish your workout with a few minutes of gentle bouncing to gradually lower your heart rate.
    Perform some static stretches to help improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness. Focus on stretching your legs, back, shoulders, and arms.

    Remember to listen to your body and modify the intensity of the exercises as needed. Start with shorter durations and lower intensity if you're new to mini trampoline workouts, and gradually increase both as you become more comfortable and fit.

    The benefit of Mini trampoline workout

    Mini trampoline workouts offer several benefits for both physical fitness and overall well-being:

    Cardiovascular Health
    A mini trampoline workout is a form of aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping and increases circulation. Regular cardiovascular exercise can help improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

    Improved Balance and Coordination
    The unstable surface of a mini trampoline workout challenges your balance and coordination as you bounce and perform various movements. Over time, this can help improve proprioception (awareness of body position) and enhance overall balance.

    Low-Impact Exercise
    Unlike running or jumping on hard surfaces, mini trampoline workouts are low-impact, which means they're gentler on your joints. This makes them ideal for individuals who may have joint pain or are recovering from injury, as it reduces the risk of impact-related injuries.

    Muscle Toning and Strength
    Bouncing and performing exercises on a mini trampoline engage multiple muscle groups, including the legs, core, and upper body. This can help tone and strengthen muscles, leading to improved muscle definition and overall strength.

    Lymphatic System Stimulation
    Bouncing on a mini trampoline creates a gravitational force that helps stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. This can potentially enhance detoxification and immune function.

    Weight Management
    Mini trampoline workouts can help burn calories and promote weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. The intensity of the workout can be adjusted to suit individual fitness levels and weight loss goals.

    Stress Reduction
    Exercise, including bouncing on a mini trampoline, triggers the release of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and reduce stress. Engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

    Fun and Versatile
    Mini trampoline workouts are fun and versatile, offering a variety of exercises and movements that can be tailored to suit different fitness levels and preferences. Whether you prefer a high-intensity cardio session or a gentle bounce to music, there's a mini trampoline workout for everyone.

    Overall, incorporating mini trampoline workouts into your fitness routine can contribute to improved physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A kids' trampoline is a fun and engaging piece of recreational equipment designed specifically for children. Here's an overview of what you need to know about them:

    Safety Features
    Look for models with safety enclosures or nets around the perimeter to prevent children from falling off while jumping. Additionally, ensure that the springs, frame, and jumping surface are covered with padding to minimize the risk of injury.

    Size and Weight Limit
    Kids' trampolines come in various sizes to accommodate different ages and spaces. Consider the available space in your yard or indoor play area before purchasing. Also, pay attention to the weight limit of the trampoline to ensure it can safely support the intended users.

    Opt for a trampoline made from sturdy materials that can withstand regular use and outdoor elements. Look for features like rust-resistant frames and UV-resistant jumping mats to ensure longevity.

    Some kids' trampolines require assembly, so be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and securely fasten all components. It's a good idea to periodically check the trampoline for any loose or damaged parts and make any necessary repairs or replacements.

    While trampolines can provide hours of entertainment for kids, it's essential to supervise them at all times to prevent accidents. Establish rules for safe trampoline use, such as limiting the number of jumpers at a time and avoiding somersaults or flips.

    Health Benefits
    Jumping on a trampoline offers numerous health benefits for kids, including improved cardiovascular health, coordination, balance, and motor skills. It's a fun way for children to stay active and burn off excess energy.

    Regular maintenance is key to keeping your kids' trampoline in good condition. Inspect the trampoline for wear and tear, clean the jumping surface and padding regularly, and check the springs and frame for any signs of damage.

    Overall, a kids' trampoline can provide endless entertainment and health benefits for children, but safety should always be a top priority. With proper supervision and maintenance, a trampoline can be a valuable addition to your child's playtime activities.

    What to Know About kids Trampoline Safety for Children

    When it comes to kids' trampoline safety, here are some essential points to keep in mind:

    Even with safety measures in place, accidents can still occur, so it's crucial to have an adult present to ensure safe play.

    Age Appropriateness
    Make sure the trampoline is suitable for your child's age and size. Some trampolines have weight limits, and smaller children may be at risk of injury on larger trampolines designed for older kids or adults.

    Safety Enclosure
    Choose a trampoline with a safety enclosure or netting around the perimeter to prevent children from falling off while jumping.

    Check that the springs, frame, and any hard surfaces are covered with adequate padding to reduce the risk of injury from impact. Inspect the padding regularly for wear and tear, and replace it if necessary.

    Limit Jumpers
    Restrict the number of children allowed on the trampoline at one time to reduce the risk of collisions and injuries. Avoid allowing children to perform stunts like flips or somersaults, as these can lead to accidents.

    Safe Entry and Exit
    Teach children how to safely enter and exit the trampoline, using a ladder or step stool if necessary. Discourage jumping off the trampoline onto the ground, as this can result in injuries.

    Check for Damage
    Regularly inspect the trampoline for any signs of damage, such as tears in the netting, loose springs, or bent frame parts. Make any necessary repairs or replacements promptly to maintain safety.

    Place the trampoline on a level surface away from obstacles such as trees, fences, or other structures. Ensure there is sufficient clearance overhead to prevent children from hitting their heads on low-hanging branches or ceilings.

    Weather Conditions
    Avoid using the trampoline during windy or rainy weather, as these conditions can make it unstable and increase the risk of accidents. Remove snow, ice, or debris from the trampoline before use.

    Educate Children
    Teach children about trampoline safety rules and the importance of following them. Emphasize the need to jump in the center of the trampoline and avoid jumping or sitting near the edges.

    By following these guidelines and prioritizing safety, you can help ensure that children enjoy the benefits of trampoline play while minimizing the risk of injuries.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A foldable exercise bike is a compact and versatile piece of fitness equipment designed to provide users with a convenient way to engage in cardiovascular workouts and improve overall fitness.

    Compact Design
    Foldable exercise bikes are designed to be space-saving and easy to store when not in use. Their foldable frames allow them to be collapsed into a smaller size, making them ideal for individuals with limited space, such as those living in apartments or small homes.

    Adjustable Resistance
    Most foldable exercise bikes come equipped with adjustable resistance settings, allowing users to tailor the intensity of their workouts to match their fitness levels and goals. Resistance can typically be adjusted either manually or electronically, providing a customizable workout experience.

    Comfortable Seating
    Foldable exercise bikes are typically equipped with comfortable seats and adjustable seat heights to accommodate users of different sizes. Additionally, some models feature padded seats with backrests for added comfort during longer workout sessions.

    LCD Display
    Many foldable exercise bikes are equipped with LCDs that provide users with real-time feedback on essential workout metrics such as speed, distance, time, calories burned, and heart rate (if equipped with heart rate sensors). This feedback allows users to track their progress and stay motivated throughout their workouts.

    Foldable Design
    The foldable design of these bikes allows them to be easily folded and stored in a closet, under a bed, or in a corner when not in use. This feature makes them ideal for individuals who are short on space or who prefer equipment that can be conveniently stored away when not in use.

    Foldable exercise bikes are lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport from one location to another. This portability makes them suitable for individuals who may want to take their workouts on the go, whether traveling for work or leisure.

    Compared to larger cardio equipment such as treadmills or elliptical machines, foldable exercise bikes are often more affordable, making them an attractive option for individuals on a budget who still want to enjoy the benefits of cardiovascular exercise at home.

    Overall, foldable exercise bikes offer a convenient, space-saving, and affordable option for individuals looking to improve their cardiovascular health, burn calories, and stay active from the comfort of their own homes.

    How to choose the best foldable exercise bike?

    Choosing the best foldable exercise bike involves considering several key factors to ensure it meets your needs and preferences.

    Determine your budget range for purchasing the best foldable exercise bike.

    Space Available
    Measure the available space where you intend to use and store the exercise bike. Consider the dimensions of the bike when unfolded and folded to ensure it fits comfortably in your space.

    Weight Capacity
    Check the weight capacity of the bike to ensure it can safely support your weight. Most foldable exercise bikes have weight limits ranging from 200 to 300+ pounds.

    Resistance Levels
    Consider the number of resistance levels offered by the bike. More resistance levels provide greater versatility for adjusting the intensity of your workouts to suit your fitness level and goals.

    Pay attention to the comfort features of the bike, such as the seat, backrest (if applicable), and handlebars. Look for a padded seat with adjustable height and distance from the pedals for a comfortable riding experience.

    Features and Functions
    Evaluate the features and functions offered by the bike, such as a built-in monitor for tracking workout metrics (e.g., time, distance, speed, calories burned), preset workout programs, heart rate monitoring, Bluetooth connectivity, and compatibility with fitness apps.

    Foldability and Portability
    Assess the ease of folding and unfolding the bike, as well as its portability. Look for features like transport wheels for easy movement and storage when not in use.

    Stability and Durability
    Choose the best foldable exercise bike with a sturdy frame and stable construction to ensure safety and durability during workouts. Read reviews from other users to gauge the bike's reliability and longevity.

    Assembly and Maintenance
    Consider the ease of assembly and maintenance requirements of the bike. Look for bikes that come with clear assembly instructions and minimal maintenance needs.

    Check the warranty coverage offered by the manufacturer to protect your investment against defects and malfunctions. Look for a bike with a warranty period that provides sufficient coverage and peace of mind.

    By considering these factors and doing thorough research, you can select the best foldable exercise bike that aligns with your budget, space constraints, fitness goals, and preferences. Additionally, reading reviews and comparing different models can help you make a well-informed decision.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    An upright exercise bike is a stationary fitness bike designed for indoor cycling workouts. It resembles a traditional bicycle but is stationary and does not move forward.

    Features of upright exercise bike

    Upright Riding Position
    Upright exercise bikes mimic the posture of riding a regular bicycle. You sit upright with your hands on the handlebars and your feet on the pedals directly below your body.

    Adjustable Resistance Levels
    Most upright bikes come with adjustable resistance settings. You can increase or decrease the resistance to simulate riding on flat terrain or uphill, providing a customizable workout intensity.

    Console and Display
    Many models are equipped with a digital console that displays workout metrics such as speed, distance, time, calories burned, and sometimes heart rate. This data can help you track your progress and set fitness goals.

    Comfortable Seat
    The seat on an upright bike is typically larger and more cushioned compared to a road bike seat, providing comfort during longer workouts.

    Pedals with Straps: Upright bikes usually have pedals with adjustable straps to secure your feet during pedaling, allowing for a smoother and more efficient workout.

    Compact Design
    Upright exercise bikes are generally more compact than other types of stationary bikes, making them suitable for home use and smaller workout spaces.

    Low-Impact Workout
    Cycling on an upright bike is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on your joints while still providing an effective cardiovascular workout.

    Benefits of upright exercise bike

    Cardiovascular Fitness
    Regular use of an upright exercise bike can improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and lungs and increasing overall endurance.

    Leg Strength and Endurance
    Cycling engages the muscles of the legs, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, helping to build strength and endurance.

    Calorie Burning
    Riding an upright bike can help burn calories and aid in weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.

    With an upright exercise bike at home, you can work out at any time without worrying about weather conditions or traffic.

    Low Risk of Injury
    Unlike high-impact exercises such as running, cycling on an upright bike is gentle on the joints and reduces the risk of injury.

    Customizable Workouts
    You can adjust the resistance level and intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level and goals, whether you're aiming for a leisurely ride or a challenging interval session.

    Overall, an upright exercise bike is an excellent option for individuals looking to improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and strengthen leg muscles in a comfortable and convenient indoor setting.

    Is an upright bike better for your back?

    An upright exercise bike can be better for your back compared to other types of stationary bikes, such as recumbent bikes, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

    When riding an upright exercise bike, your body is positioned similarly to how it would be on a traditional outdoor bicycle. This upright posture can help promote better spinal alignment and posture, which may alleviate discomfort or strain on the lower back for some individuals.

    Engagement of Core Muscles
    Maintaining an upright position on the bike requires the engagement of the core muscles to stabilize the body. Strengthening these muscles can help support the spine and reduce the risk of back pain.

    Adjustable Handlebars
    Many upright bikes come with adjustable handlebars that allow you to customize the height and reach to fit your body comfortably. Proper handlebar positioning can contribute to a more ergonomic riding experience and reduce strain on the back and shoulders.

    Active Sitting Position
    Unlike recumbent bikes where you sit in a reclined position, riding an upright bike involves active sitting, which can promote better circulation and engagement of the muscles throughout the body, including those in the back.

    Variety of Riding Positions
    While the primary riding position on an upright bike is upright, you can also stand up on the pedals during intense intervals or climbs. This variation in riding positions can help prevent stiffness and promote spinal flexibility.

    However, it's important to note that individual preferences and physical conditions vary, and what works well for one person may not be suitable for another. If you have existing back issues or concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program, including using an upright exercise bike. Additionally, proper bike setup, posture, and technique are crucial for minimizing the risk of back discomfort or injury while riding.

  • Are home pull up bars effective?Datum28.03.2024 03:59
    Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A pull up machine for home use is a great way to strengthen your upper body, particularly your back, shoulders, and arms. Various types of pull-up machines are available for home use, including doorway pull-up bars, wall-mounted pull-up bars, freestanding pull-up towers, and power towers with multiple workout stations.

    When choosing a pull-up machine for home, consider factors such as the space available, your budget, the machine's weight capacity, and any additional features you may want, such as dip bars or adjustable height settings. It's important to ensure that your machine is sturdy and stable to support your weight during workouts.

    Are home pull up bars effective?

    Home pull-up bars can be very effective for building upper body strength, particularly in the back, shoulders, and arms. Pull-ups are a compound exercise that engage multiple muscle groups, including the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and core muscles. By incorporating pull-ups into your regular workout routine, you can improve your overall upper body strength, endurance, and muscle tone.

    Home pull-up bars offer a convenient and cost-effective way to perform this challenging exercise without the need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. They come in various styles, such as doorway-mounted bars, wall-mounted bars, and freestanding towers, allowing you to choose the option that best fits your space and workout preferences.

    To make your home pull-up bar workouts more effective, you can vary your grip (wide grip, narrow grip, chin-up grip) to target different muscle groups and add variety to your routine. Additionally, you can incorporate variations like assisted pull-ups, negative pull-ups, and hanging knee raises to progress in your strength training journey.

    Consistency and proper form are key to seeing results from your home pull-up bar workouts. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets as you get stronger, and remember to focus on the full range of motion and control during each rep to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

    Specification of pull up machine for home

    When looking for a pull up machine for home use, it's important to consider various specifications to ensure that the equipment meets your needs and fits your space. Here are some common specifications to look for when selecting a pull up machine for home workouts:

    Weight Capacity
    Check the maximum weight capacity of the pull up machine to ensure it can safely support your body weight during exercises.

    Consider the dimensions of the pull up machine to ensure it fits in your designated workout space at home. Measure the available space to accommodate the machine comfortably.

    Construction Materials
    Look for durable and sturdy construction materials such as steel or heavy-duty metal to ensure the stability and longevity of the equipment.

    Grip Positions
    Choose a pull up machine that offers multiple grip positions, such as wide grip, narrow grip, and neutral grip, to target different muscle groups and add variety to your workouts.

    Additional Features
    Some pull up machines come with extra features like dip bars, push-up handles, adjustable height settings, or padded back and armrests for added comfort and versatility in your workouts.

    Consider the ease of assembly and installation of the pull up machine. Check if it comes with clear instructions and all the necessary tools for setup.

    Safety Features
    Ensure that the pull up machine has safety features such as non-slip grips, padded handles, and a stable base to prevent accidents or injuries during workouts.

    Brand and Warranty
    Choose a reputable brand that offers a warranty on the pull up machine to ensure quality and customer support in case of any issues.

    By considering these specifications, you can select a pull up machine for home use that meets your fitness goals, space requirements, and budget while providing a safe and effective workout experience.

  • Advantages of foldable exercise bikesDatum14.03.2024 03:34
    Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A foldable exercise bike is a type of stationary exercise bike that is designed to be easily folded up for storage or transport. Unlike traditional exercise bikes that have a fixed frame, foldable exercise bikes feature a collapsible design that allows them to be compacted into a smaller size.

    The main purpose of a foldable exercise bike is to provide a convenient and space-saving solution for individuals who have limited space in their homes or prefer to store their fitness equipment when not in use. By being able to fold up the bike, it can be neatly stored away in a closet, under a bed, or in a corner.

    Foldable exercise bikes typically have a lightweight and portable construction, making them easy to move around. They often come with features such as adjustable seat height, handlebars, and resistance levels, allowing users to customize their workout experience.

    While foldable exercise bikes may not offer the same robustness and stability as larger, non-foldable models, they still provide a cardiovascular workout and help improve fitness levels. Some foldable exercise bikes also come with built-in LCDs to track workout metrics like time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate.

    What about a foldable exercise bike?

    A foldable exercise bike is a type of stationary bike that can be folded up for easy storage and transport. Here are some key points regarding foldable exercise bikes:

    When not in use, you can fold the bike and store it in a closet, under a bed, or in a corner, making it ideal for small living spaces.

    Foldable exercise bikes are generally lightweight and portable, making them easy to move around your home or take with you when traveling. This can be convenient for those who want to work out in different locations.

    Most foldable exercise bikes come with adjustable features such as seat height, handlebar position, and resistance levels, allowing users to customize their workout experience.

    Cardiovascular Workout
    Like traditional stationary bikes, foldable exercise bikes provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that can help improve heart health, stamina, and overall fitness.

    Quiet Operation
    Foldable exercise bikes are typically quiet during operation, making them suitable for home use without disturbing others.

    LCD Display
    Many foldable exercise bikes come equipped with an LCD display that shows workout metrics such as time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate, allowing users to track their progress.

    Foldable exercise bikes are often more affordable than larger, non-foldable exercise equipment, making them a cost-effective option for home workouts.

    When choosing a foldable exercise bike, consider factors such as weight capacity, stability, comfort, and features that are important to you, such as resistance levels, workout programs, and connectivity options. As with any exercise equipment, ensure that you use the bike safely and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for assembly, maintenance, and usage.

    Advantages of foldable exercise bikes

    Foldable exercise bikes offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for individuals looking to incorporate cardio workouts into their routine while also considering space constraints and convenience. Here are some of the key advantages of foldable exercise bikes:

    Space-Saving Design
    Perhaps the most significant advantage of foldable exercise bikes is their space-saving design. The ability to fold the bike up after use allows for easy storage in small living spaces, such as apartments, dorm rooms, or homes with limited space.

    Foldable exercise bikes are typically lightweight and compact when folded, making them easy to move around the house or transport to different locations. This portability is ideal for users who may want to work out in various rooms or take their exercise bike on the go.

    The convenience of a foldable exercise bike lies in its quick setup and takedown process. Users can easily unfold the bike, adjust settings to their preferences, and start their workout without the need for extensive assembly or installation.

    Customizable Workouts
    Most foldable exercise bikes come with adjustable features such as seat height, handlebar position, and resistance levels, allowing users to tailor their workouts to suit their fitness goals and comfort levels.

    Low-Impact Cardio Workout
    Like traditional stationary bikes, foldable exercise bikes provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that can help improve heart health, burn calories, and boost overall fitness without putting excessive strain on joints.

    Quiet Operation
    Foldable exercise bikes are generally quiet during use, making them suitable for home environments without disturbing others nearby. This quiet operation allows users to watch TV, listen to music, or work while exercising.

    Foldable exercise bikes are often more affordable than larger, non-foldable exercise equipment, making them a budget-friendly option for individuals looking to invest in a cardio machine for home use.

    Overall, the advantages of foldable exercise bikes make them a practical and versatile fitness solution for those seeking a convenient way to stay active and fit within the constraints of limited space and lifestyle preferences.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A pull up tower is a piece of exercise equipment that is used for performing pull-up exercises as well as other bodyweight exercises. It typically consists of a tall vertical frame with a horizontal bar at the top for performing pull-ups, chin-ups, and other hanging exercises. Pull up towers may also include additional features such as dip bars, push-up handles, and adjustable height settings to accommodate various exercises and users. These towers are popular for strength training and upper-body workouts.

    How do you use a pull up tower?

    To use a pull up tower effectively, follow these steps:

    1. Adjust the height: Make sure the pull-up bar is at a comfortable height for you to grab onto with your arms fully extended.

    2. Grip the bar: Grab the pull-up bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) or an underhand grip (palms facing towards you) depending on the variation of pull-up you want to perform.

    3. Position yourself: Hang from the bar with your arms fully extended and your body straight.

    4. Pull yourself up: Engage your back muscles and core, then pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar.

    5. Lower yourself down: Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position with your arms fully extended.

    6. Repeat: Perform multiple repetitions of pull-ups according to your fitness level and goals.

    Additionally, you can use the pull-up tower for other exercises such as chin-ups, hanging leg raises, dips, and more. Make sure to maintain proper form and listen to your body to prevent injuries.

    Your Fitness Workout Tower | Pull Up Tower

    A fitness workout tower, also known as a pull-up tower, is a versatile piece of exercise equipment that allows you to perform a variety of bodyweight exercises to strengthen and tone your muscles. Some common exercises that can be done on a pull-up tower include pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and more.

    Using a fitness workout tower regularly can help improve your upper body strength, core stability, and overall fitness level. It is a convenient and effective way to work out at home or in a gym setting.

    Why pull up tower Are Great for Home Workouts

    Pull-up towers are great for home workouts for several reasons:

    1. Versatility: A pull-up tower allows you to perform a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups, including pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and more. This versatility enables you to create a comprehensive workout routine without the need for multiple pieces of equipment.

    2. Space-saving: Pull-up towers are typically compact and do not take up a lot of space, making them ideal for home gyms or smaller workout areas. You can place a pull-up tower in a corner or against a wall without it intruding on your living space.

    3. Cost-effective: Investing in a pull-up tower is a cost-effective way to have access to a variety of workout options at home. Instead of purchasing individual exercise equipment for different muscle groups, a pull-up tower can provide a full-body workout solution in one piece of equipment.

    4. Strength building: Pull-up towers are excellent for building upper body strength, including the back, shoulders, arms, and core muscles. Regular use of a pull-up tower can help you improve your strength, endurance, and overall fitness level.

    5. Convenience: With a pull-up tower at home, you can work out whenever you want without having to commute to a gym. This convenience makes it easier to stick to a consistent workout routine and achieve your fitness goals.

    Overall, pull-up towers are a convenient, effective, and versatile option for home workouts, making them a popular choice for individuals looking to stay active and fit in the comfort of their own homes.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Sintered high alumina bricks are the main members of the family of aluminosilicate refractories. According to the content of alumina, aluminum silicate materials are divided into the following four categories.
    ①Semi-siliceous refractory material: alumina content is 15%~30%.
    ②Clay refractories: the alumina content is 30%~48%.
    ③High alumina refractory material: alumina content is 48%~89%.
    ④Corundum refractory material: alumina content is greater than or equal to 90%.

    In general, the physical and chemical properties of high-alumina refractories are determined by their Al2O3/SiO2 ratio, impurity content, the density of raw materials, the particle size distribution of bricks, type and amount of binder, as well as mixing, molding, and sintering conditions. . For special high-alumina bricks, the type, grade, particle size and content of special refractory raw materials added to determine the mineral composition, microstructure and damage mechanism of the refractory material, and affect the physical and chemical properties and use effect of the refractory material.

    Ordinary high alumina bricks have good high temperature resistance, but poor thermal shock resistance. In the 1970s, China Academy of Building Materials developed phosphate-bonded high-alumina bricks (hereinafter referred to as phosphate bricks), which solved the problem of poor thermal shock resistance of high-alumina bricks. However, the high temperature resistance of phosphoric acid bricks is not good. In the future, the development of materials with high temperature resistance and thermal shock resistance has become the development direction of high-alumina refractory materials.

    In the 1980s, the China Academy of Building Materials used the method of adding zircon to develop anti-stripping high-alumina bricks. Later, China Academy of Building Materials developed light-fired high-alumina bricks by reducing the amount of phosphoric acid and adding "three stones". Luoyang Refractory Research Institute has developed kyanite bricks by firing at high temperature and adding "three stones". In the 1990s, the China Academy of Building Materials developed the second-generation anti-stripping bricks, and some refractory companies also developed silicon carbide bricks by adding silicon carbide. At present, the sintered high-alumina bricks used in cement kilns have formed a situation dominated by silica molybdenum bricks and anti-stripping bricks. In particular, it should be pointed out that anti-peeling bricks and silica molybdenum bricks are new products independently invented by Chinese refractory technicians.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics is the practice of producing food() on vertically inclined surfaces. Instead of farming vegetables and other foods on a single level, such as in a field or a greenhouse, this method produces foods in vertically stacked layers commonly integrated into other structures like a skyscraper, shipping container, or repurposed warehouse.

    Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics using controlled environment agriculture technology, this modern idea utilizes indoor farming techniques. The artificial control of temperature, light, humidity, wind, and gases makes producing foods and medicine indoor possible. In many ways, vertical farming is similar to greenhouses where metal reflectors and artificial lighting augment natural sunlight. The primary goal of vertical farming is maximizing crop output in a limited space.

    Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics stealth grows box We produce Smart vegetable garden and Smart garden, they are unique products, we can provide OEM service. Smart vegetable garden let planting vegetable and fruit become a very easy thing. Sowing the seeds, do not need too much care. Plants will grow automatically. Do not require daily watering, it will automatically be irrigated. When it is a lack of water, it will automatically remind you. Hydroponics, Infinite splicing technology, No dirt, Very healthy, Unique products Grow what you want! You can - start to sow the seeds - Only need to add water and fertilizer - Vegetable and fruit automatic growth - Pick the vegetables and fruit hydroponics stealth grow box.

    How Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics Works
    There are four critical areas in understanding Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics works Physical layout, Lighting, Growing medium, and Sustainability features.
    1. The primary goal of vertical farming is producing more foods per square meter. To accomplish this goal, crops are cultivated in stacked layers in a tower life structure.
    2. A perfect combination of natural and artificial lights is used to maintain the perfect light level in the room. Technologies such as rotating beds are used to improve lighting efficiency.
    3. Instead of soil, aeroponic, aquaponic, or hydroponic growing mediums are used. Peat moss or coconut husks and similar non-soil mediums are very common in vertical farming.
    4. The vertical farming method uses various sustainability features to offset the energy cost of farming. In fact, vertical farming uses 95% less water.

    Advantages of Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics
    1. Suspension cultivation. The plant hangs from the transplanting plate and part of the root system is inserted into the nutrient
    2. Soilless cultivation DFT hydroponics liquid layer depth. The root system extends to the deeper liquid layer, and the amount of liquid per plant is more. Due to the
    volume and depth of liquid, the concentration of the nutrient solution
    3. Nutrient solution circulation flow. It allows the plant to absorb nutrients better
    4. There are many kinds of crops suitable for cultivation. Almost all fruits and vegetables can be cultivated.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    A greenhouse heating system is an ideal solution for climate control of the vast majority of greenhouses. It provides functions including dehumidification, air cooling, air heating, fresh air ventilating, and energy recovery ventilating to meet different critical greenhouse requirements of humidity, temperature, and airflow. It comes in a wide range of sizes from 5ton to 75 ton delivering the most costs effective scalable performance.

    The stable Greenhouse heating system within the range of plants' growing demand is one of the important effective guarantees of greenhouse cultivation. Based on the different climate of each greenhouse located at, the scale of the greenhouse, or its available energy source, various kinds of heating systems can be offered, from air heater to boiler.

    Details of greenhouse heating system
    Greenhouse heating system is made for cooling and heating for optional. It is widely used in various industrial, agriculture, and commercial applications, these applications are exceptionally effective and compact. They are highly sought after and are beneficial for any system. We are also happy to make custom function products according to your projects.

    Applications of Greenhouse heating system
    Greenhouse heating system main Used in chemical factory, ink printing factory, automobile manufacturing factory or central air conditioning systems or other large industrial refrigeration. From the most well-known Hotels, Restaurants, Corporate Offices, Manufacturing plants, enormous building sites, any sort of Corporate or Sporting events.

    Advantage of Greenhouse heating system
    1. Light dep greenhouse is specially designed for professional planting and precise management of high-yield crops growing, create
    an excellent growth environment to assure the crops yield and quality, higher and more steadily returns for growers;
    2. Greenhouse heating system 3-layers of breathable blackout curtain, 100% light prevent, auto-control achieve rapid growth from planting to flowering;
    3. Complete installation manual, drawing, and video with the goods to make easily assemble;
    4. 10+ years professional manufacturing and customized experience and engineer team to make sure the maximum of your benefits.

  • Main Features of Ventilation equipmentDatum25.03.2021 07:59
    Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Ventilation equipment energy heavy-duty steel industrial ventilation fan self-driven solar roof heat exhaust fan. Ventilation equipment is an axial flow dc motor-driven exhaust fan powered by solar. With solar panels, it starts running once the sun shines. It needs no wire to grid electricity, but automatically running when there is sunlight. So it would make ventilation more efficient when the sunshine is stronger. That is exactly the time the roof cavity would accumulate heat, and you really need a solar roof exhaust fan to get the heat, stuffy air out of your house attic.
    Besides, if you need this active solar-powered ventilator even run in sunless time, you could choose an optional power adapter or storage battery from us.

    The Ventilation equipment is one kind of wind turbine, it is the mechanical energy that depends on the input, and improves the gas pressure side by side to send the gas. The circulating fan is widely used in the ventilation of greenhouse, greenhouse, livestock, and poultry house. Especially for the closed type barn moisture density, the air is easy to flow place, press the directional arrangement of relay ventilation, the damp heat airflow of the hovel more fully, the cooling effect is excellent. Is the ideal vertical, horizontal circulation airflow, ventilation cooling equipment.

    This type of Ventilation equipment mainly composed of blades, motor, frame, protecting news, and supporting frames and shutters. The motor drive blades cause airflow and shutters can open and close automatically to keep the dust from entering. The major parts are made of galvanized steel sheets and stainless steel sheets.

    Main Features of Ventilation equipment
    1. Hot-dip galvanized plate adopts 275g/㎡ galvanized layer, not rust.
    2. 95% of the parts are produced by ourselves, reducing the cost of processing, sharing profits with customers, ensuring quality, utmost cost-effective globally
    3. Complete CNC production line, the accuracy of assembling holes is 100%, easy to assemble, quality assured.
    4. Wall-Mounting fan, easy installation, and maintenance.
    5. Belt Drive, Big airflow.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Leisure/sightseeing greenhouse advocates a new leisure concept, which creates a comfortable, green, and healthy dining environment through the organic integration of modern intelligent greenhouses and natural landscapes It also effectively controls indoor temperature and humidity through supporting facilities. The effect of the four seasons in the room is liking spring.

    The Leisure/sightseeing greenhouse has a modern and novel exterior and has a stable structure. It adopts hot galvanized pipes connected by the hot-galvanizing bolts and tapping screws, without any welding point. So it is strong and practical and also simply beautiful overall. The covering material is glass which has high transmittance, good insulation. The design of wide span and pinnacle made a large operating inner space, high utilization, and a good bandwagon effect. It can be used as a large ornamental greenhouse, aquaculture greenhouse, floriculture greenhouse, flower market, shopping mall, and ecological restaurant.

    The main structure of the leisure/sightseeing greenhouse is simple, mainly using galvanized steel parts and components. The curved roof is beautiful and smooth, the lines are smooth, the structure uses steel, and the structure is stable. The top is covered with Po film or crystal film, and the surrounding is covered with Po film. Multi-span greenhouses have the advantages of rapid temperature increase, cost-effectiveness, and high light transmittance. The design adheres to the rationality and advanced nature of the greenhouse configuration, adapts to local conditions, combines the local greenhouse climate conditions, uses, and needs, and reasonably selects supporting equipment.

    Instruction of Leisure/sightseeing greenhouse
    The Leisure/sightseeing greenhouse. Mainly from the post, gutter, mainarch, side arch, skylight, skylight film mechanism, shading insulation film, etc., withplastic film and covering around the roof greenhouse. The greenhouse roof overallsawtooth vertical wall near the side of the short slope with ventilation skylight,skylight is closed with the film covered by roll film winding mechanism ventilation;roof film machine is fixed, its base is directly fixed on the gutter, double slope roofwidth can be reduced, the cold chamber height. Reduce the roof wind load, improvethe wind resistance ability.

    Characteristic of Leisure/sightseeing greenhouse
    Transparency: PC plate transmittance is up to 89%, Uv-coated panels aren’t yellowing when exposed to sunlight, great&table lighting performance;
    Light Weight: PC sheet proportion is only half of the glass, saves the cost of transportation, unloading, installation& support frames.
    Impact Resistance: impact strength is 250-300 times that of ordinary glass.
    UV Protection: Leisure/sightseeing greenhouseis coated with anti-Uv coated on 1 side&anti-condensation treatment on other side,fire resistance& anti-condensation.
    Energy-Saving: Keep cool in summer and keep warm in winter, the insulation of PC board is up to 49%, strong heat insulation.
    Temperature Adaptability: Strong weather resistance and thermal adaptability, PC board no cold brittleness at -100°C, no soften at 135°C.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    An industrial automatic beer glass bottle filling machine is used to produce glass bottled beer. The BGF Wash-filling-capping 3-in-1unit: beer Machinery can finish all the processes such as press bottle, filling, and sealing, it can reduce the materials and Outsiders touch time, improve the sanitary conditions, production capacity, and economic efficiency.

    The Industrial automatic beer glass bottle filling machine is the automatic filling system using compressed air as power, which is composed of precision pneumatic components. The paste filling machine has the features of simple structure, reliable and convenient adjustment. This beer glass bottle filling machine also adapts to all kinds of paste, viscous paste filling. This paste filling machine can work in an inflammable and explosive environment. It is the ideal filling equipment for pharmaceutical, chemical, food, cosmetics, and other industries.

    Characteristics of automatic beer glass bottle filling machine
    1. Using the conveyor sent access and move wheel in the bottle directly connected technology; canceled screw and conveyor chains, this enable the change the bottle-shaped become easier.
    2. Bottle transmission adopt clip bottleneck technology, bottle-shaped transform not need to adjust the equipment level, only changes related to the curved plate, wheel, and nylon parts are enough.
    3. The specially designed industrial automatic beer glass bottle filling machine clip is solid and durable, with no touch with the screw location of the bottle mouth to avoid secondary pollution.
    4. High-speed balanced pressure flow valve filling valve, filling fast, filling accurate, and no liquid spit out.
    5. Spiraling declines when output bottle, transform bottle shape no need to adjust the height of conveyor chains.
    6. Host adopt advanced PLC automatic control technology, the key electrical components from famous company such as Japan's Mitsubishi, France Schneider, OMRON or ABB.

    The main features of automatic beer glass bottle filling machine
    1. Two times vacuum, 2 times CO2 injection, with foaming device(remove the air from the mouth of the bottle, oxygen content <50ppb), to reduce the oxidation of beer as much as possible.
    2. Save more space, more efficient, The three functions of bottle washing, filling, and capping are combined into one machine.
    3. Industrial automatic beer glass bottle filling machine all the filling valves are bought from Nanjing, the best filling valves in China.
    4. Replaceable star wheels, Suitable for more bottle types.
    5. Flush the broken bottle out of the base, no effect on the next filling process.
    6. 3 bottle sensors, no bottle, no washing, no filling, no capping.
    7. English operation for Electric box and Control panel.
    8. Control the Vacuum pump by PLC touch screen directly.
    9. Easy to operate, save your cost for workers.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse is mainly made of plastic film as a covering material. A complete multi-span film greenhouse includes concrete foundation, covering material, external shading system, internal insulation system, wet pad, and fan ventilation cooling system, the top and side film rolling and window system, sprinkler system, distribution system, drainage system, etc. The greenhouse is a kind of simple form for heat preservation and heat insulation, it has good heat preservation performance, the advantages of easy operation is widely applied in the exhibition, cultivation of vegetables, fruits, high-grade flowers, trees and seedlings, and other large-scale production and intensive management.

    This kind of Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse is a lower cost than PC and GLASS greenhouses. Better at heat preservation in certain regions. We can provide various specifications in terms of span size, bay size, gutter height, and roof height. All the systems from cooling system, irrigation system, computer control system and ventilation system, etc. can be provided. We can provide you a turnkey project. For installations, we have professional technicians abroad for guidance. Covering material: 0.15 or 0.2mm plastic film;single layer film;double layer film;inflated double layer film Frame Work: Double side hot galvanized steel structure.

    Features of Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse
    1. High-quality steel structure and long service life. All main parts are hot dipping galvanized after processing according to European standards,guarantee excellent anti-corrosion;
    2. Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse many parts are pre-swedged and pre-drilled. This gothic greenhouse is easy to assemble with bolts and nuts.
    3. Superior air volume helps to create a more stable climate at plants level;
    4.A redesigned gutter for greater luminosity and energy efficiency.
    5.Very competitive pricing.

    Uses of Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse
    1. Ideal for vegetable Specific widths have been optimized for such crops, based on Europe’s best practices (rows spaced every 1,6 or 1,8 meters)
    2. Suitable for hydroponic/soilless crop management.
    3. Commercial production of lettuces, fine herbs, or fruits;
    4. Commercial production and propagation of ornamentals, such as bedding plants, annuals, mums, poinsettias, etc.
    5. Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse can be used to connect multiple individuals greenhouses to facilitate plant handling and operations
    6. Can easily integrate service buildings such as mixing area for fertigation, areas for conditioning or packaging, offices.
    7. Can be fitted with a portico for plant protection best practices
    8. Ready to receive various accessories to create a high level of confinement, for growers concerned with biosecurity.

    Application and Usage of Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse
    Multi-span agriculture film greenhouse widely used for Low or High Single Tunnel Greenhouse and Multi-Span Greenhouse, as protection cover for fruit(strawberry, cherry, grape, watermelon, muskmelon and so on), vegetable(tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, bean, cucumber, celery, onion and so on), flowers, poultry farming, edible mushrooms cultivation and so on.
    1. Protect growing plants against different conditions of weather such as cold waves, strong wind, sand and dust storm, heavy rain, hail, or snow
    2. Inhibit insect and bird activity
    3. Decrease using the agricultural pesticides
    4. Help to create a suitable environment for plant growth: maintain suitable humidity and temperature
    5. light transmittance is more than 85% for good photosynthesis

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Easy operation conveyor disposable plastic cap crown capper machine is our new designed product recently. The automatic capping machine adopts a rotary plate to positioning the bottle and capping.
    The type machine is widely used in packaging cosmetic, chemical, foods, pharmaceutical, pesticides industry and so on.

    Easy operation conveyor disposable plastic cap crown capper machine adopts Frequency controlled drive, and transportation exit is adjustable, so it could meet different packaging machinery pipeline request. It uses PLC programmable control. Structure compact just used similar sizes of bottles and caps.

    Features of disposable plastic cap crown capper machine
    1.Advanced HMI operating system, PLC control, 304 stainless steel surface;
    2. 8-wheel capping in operation makes the screwing speed fast and effectively avoids theft-proofing cap breakage and damage to the bottle caps.
    3. Easy operation conveyor disposable plastic cap crown capper machine is possible to cater to varied bottle caps within the scope of this machine without replacement of parts by simply adjusting the synchronous belt, the distance between cap screwing wheels, and rack height.
    4. It applies to varied tall and short bottles which are round, square, oblate or flat square in shape.

    Major Characteristics of disposable plastic cap crown capper machine
    1.Claw structure obtained many patents on the technology, suitable for pump caps with the function of liquid diversion and inserters.
    2.PLC controlled, integrated cap sending, grasping , capping.
    3.Automatic inlet cap and bottle position-setting and orientation, adjustable torque control.
    4.Gentle manipulation, no scratch, and injury to caps and containers
    5. Easy operation conveyor disposable plastic cap crown capper machine easy changeovers, one line capable of several products.
    6. Connected with filling machine and labeling machine easily.
    7. Module structure, manipulate on the touch screen, easy maintenances.
    8. Suitable for containers made of PET/PP/PE/HDPE and so on
    9. Production capacity can achieve 4000-8000b/h, higher speed can be customized.
    10.Applicable in laundry detergent and many other daily chemical products.

    Operation Precaution of disposable plastic cap crown capper machine
    1. Before using, add ISOVG32 pneumatic gas oil or equivalent oil on the gas source processor.
    2. To adjust the capping head according to the bottle height.
    3. To adjust the capsize, according to the bottle cap, two sides adjust at the same time.
    4. Easy operation conveyor disposable plastic cap crown capper machine to adjust the position to withstand, let the bottle mouth under the center of the capping head.
    5. To adjust the Torque regulator to meet capping strength.
    6. Switch on the power, open the hand sliding switch for gas.
    7. Control valve operation, first to pull up the adjustment switch can adjust the air pressure. 8. Manual operation, to connect the food stamp switch under the electric box. Note: To be sure the manual/ automatic button on the red light position.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    We mainly provide clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building, tempered glass is a type of glass with evenly distributed compressive stresses on the surface which is made by heating float glass to a nearly softening point and then cooling it down rapidly by air. This process will improve the glass exterior compressive stress and interior tensile stress resistance which can improve the overall mechanical strength of glass by germination and result in good thermal stability. So tempered glass is a safety glass.
    About tempered glass, there are many types of tempered glass.
    Classification by thickness, we could temper the glass from 4mm to 15mm.
    Classification by glass Color, we could supply many colors tempered glass, such as Clear, Euro Grey, F-Green, Ford blue, and Browm. 10mm 12mm tempered glass.
    Classification by performance, we could supply the low reflective glass, solar control glass, Low-E glass, and coated glass, and so on.

    Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building is made up of two or more sheets of glass bonded together with one or multi-layers polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer (colorful PVB interlayer will make the laminated glass colorful) in a high temperature and pressure circumstance. It has the function of aesthetic appearance, decoration, and lower UV transmittance.

    Features of Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building
    1.5 times harder than ordinary float glass.
    2. Tensile strength for float glass 40 MPa (N/mm2), Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building, 120-200 MPa (N/mm2)
    3. Quality standard AS/NZS 2208: 1996
    4. It withstands an abrupt temperature change of 220 Centigrade.
    5. Once breakage occurs, the glass disintegrates into small cubical fragments, which are relatively harmless to the human body.

    Applications of Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building
    1. External use of windows, doors, curtain walls, shopfronts, offices, houses, shops, etc.
    2. Interior glass screens, partitions, balustrades, etc.
    3. Shop display windows, showcases, display shelves, etc.
    4. Furniture, table-tops, picture frames, etc.

    Advantages of Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building
    1. Excellent heat insulation performance- DAYANG insulated glass can lower the heat transfer on both sides of the insulated glass due to its low heat transfer coefficient. In consequence, DAYANG insulated glass has impressive energy-saving efficiency.
    2. Clear tempered glass for greenhouse and building great soundproof performance- DAYANG insulated glass can reduce the noise from outside by 30-45 decibels(DB) which can improve the indoor environment.
    3. Well perspective effect- DAYANG insulated glass can prevent frosting and condensation phenomenon. Even under a very cold situation, the insulated glass can still keep a good perspective effect.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    The professional practical pull-type rotary tiller is suitable for mountain, hill, and narrow field operations. Mainly used for: paddy field, dry land, tea garden, orchard, forest garden, and so on. Different tools can be selected for: rotary tillage, intertillage, weeding, soil loosening, fertilization operations. Features: four-wheel drive transmission, lightweight, small volume, use more convenient and labor-saving advantages. In the actual operation of mini-tiller, our products are the most labor-saving, and our models of four-wheel drive mini-tiller in the same Chinese industry is the most complete, and technological innovation is among the best in the world.

    Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller includes 4 types totally. It can finish rotary plowing, fertilizing, film mulching, ridge forming, even drip irrigation mount on the motor tractor with low power consumption. Its color for housing, labels, and outside packings can be arranged according to detailed request from customers. The MOQ for each item is no less than100pcs, but there are always some discounts if the quantity for a single item is big enough. It is popular in the market and has a good reputation for years. It can be sure that we have many advantages at this item in the line.

    Main Features of Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller
    1. High-efficiency weeding, neatly laid and can be laid or stacked.
    2. Suitable for plains, hills, terraces, triangles, and other small plots and mud fields.
    3. Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller Can be used for farm, garden, fruit garden, etc. Change the corresponding tool, mounted on pallets and safety protective cover, can also harvest shrubs, grass, reeds, and tea garden branch pruning and garden of rest.
    4. Easy to operate and maintenance.

    Application of Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller
    Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller can use hilly areas, vegetable greenhouses, fruit and forest management, flower management, and field management of various efficient crops. Relevant farming tools can complete rotary tillage, soil loosening, weeding, ditching, rotary fertilizer, ridging, and other operations.

    Favorable performance and Advantage of Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller
    A. Rotary plowing: Loosen and Mix soil Highly promote the growth of crops;
    B. Fertilizing: Professional practical pull-type rotary tiller spread fertilizer deeply and cover with soil increases the utilization rate of fertilizer;
    C. Film mulching: Use sunlight effectively, preserve heat and moisture;
    D. Ridge forming: Fully utilize water and fertilizer to improve cultivation conditions.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    The greenhouse also called the greenhouse. A facility for growing plants that is transparent to light and keeps warm (or warms). In the seasons not suitable for plant growth, it can provide greenhouse growth period and increase yield. It is mostly used for cultivation or seedling cultivation of vegetables, flowers, trees, and other plants in low-temperature seasons. The sort of greenhouse is much, according to different roofing material, daylighting material, appearance and add temperature condition to wait to be able to be divided into a lot of kinds again.

    Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system is a kind of high light transmittance and low cost compared with other greenhouses, which can meet the needs of various plant users. The greenhouse has a modern appearance, novel structure, smooth vision, and strong light transmittance, and can be as high as 90 percent or more, and has strong wind and snow resistance.

    Advantage of Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system
    1. Save the land, no soil is needed for hydroponics
    2. Suitable for vegetables, lettuce or flower, etc.
    3. Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system Stable and high productivity with NFT channel, save the fertilizer and environment friendly.
    4. Plants grow healthier and easy to harvest.
    5. All the growing conditions can be controlled with a hydroponics system.

    Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system is a type of greenhouse covered by glass, with the advantage of beautiful appearance, good light transmission, good display effect, and long service life, which is applicable to diverse areas(such as vegetables, flowers, seedling, research, exhibition, restaurant, etc.) and all kinds of climate conditions.

    Structure of Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system
    Multispan glass greenhouse with photovoltaic solar system, adopting hot-dip galvanized steel pipe as the main column, connected by galvanized steel truss and galvanized gutter with galvanized bolts and screws without any welding point, embedded steel parts also supplied together.

    Once build up,20 years of service life guaranteed; For the Glass multi-span greenhouse and polycarbonate multi-span greenhouse, commonly adopting the design of 3 roofs for every span, each span can be 16m and every inner single bay can be 8m.

    Adopting high lighting transmitting float glass and polycarbonate sheet as covering material is excellent for facility agriculture greenhouse construction. Beautiful appearance, simple and standard and quick construction and installation, stable structure, very suitable for vegetable and flower cultivation.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine is mainly used to peel wheat, rice, beans, sorghum, cereals, corn, and other crops. The product structure is simple, easy to use, high production efficiency with affordable price-output per hour of the machine can reach 400-450kg/hr. Especially suitable for farmers.

    Multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine is mainly composed of feeding devices, milling room, discharging device, transmission device, jet system, and frame.

    Multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine can peel different kinds of grains such as soybean, green bean, black bean, pea bean, peanut seed, maize, rice, wheat, barley, millet, and other plant seeds. It is suitable for food processing plants, hotels, canteens, professional used and so on.

    A multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine is used to grind the rice, shelling rice husk, and at the same time to separate the husk and rice. It is arranged with a comprehensive view of the situation and is designed rationally., which is multifunctional with the husking and grinding function. Its structure is compact and well organized. It is of less noise and can be easily operated and reliably regulated.

    Principle of axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine
    Multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine consists of milling and the chaff two working systems Process: cleaning, coarse grinding, and fine grinding. When the boot grind grain, the rice from the hopper into the flow, roller, rice knives, rice sieve composed of the milled white room, by the mechanical The role of cutting edge grinding to complete the processing of rice milling. the effect of the fan getting clean and dust-free rice bran, the broken rice meters of slip from the screen separator to separate into the broken shed after collection device, which enables the isolation of rice and rice bran crushed into dust.

    Main features of axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine
    1. Simple structure, reliable operation.
    2. Assignments of good quality, each index has reached national relevant specification
    3. Adaptable, can thresh wet wheat, also can thresh rice, corn, and other grain. Multifunction operation.
    4. The use of safe, convenient maintenance, occupy a small place.
    5. Threshing dish with vice knife page, prolong the service life of threshing dish.
    6. A food fight with two bagging cards, can also load on two bags, crisscross meet beam, reduce farmer's workload.

    Application of axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine
    1. Multi-function thresher is used for threshing of corn, millet, sorghum, soybean, and wheat.
    2. Multifunction agricultural axial-flow type grain rice thresher machine 220v/380v motor or gasoline/diesel engine can be used as supporting power.
    3. The utility model has the advantages of a wide application range, convenience and safety, high production
    efficiency, low breaking rate, low loss rate, and low impurity content.

  • Thema von yanghm im Forum Powerkiting - Unna

    Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops with hot-dip galvanized steel frame with a low-cost price. The Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops is simple and practical equipment for cultivation or breeding, it is easy to construct, convenient to use. The greenhouse is widely used in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. A tunnel greenhouse can provide the conditions of suitable growing.

    Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops is characterized by an extremely high light-transmitting rate, good heat preservation effect, beautiful appearance, simple construction, and stable structure, suitable for the plants of great demands for sunlight. And the glass multi-span greenhouse is specialized with 3 roofs of every span and every span with double slopes. The common type is the Venlo glass greenhouse, the commonly used span is 9.6m (3.2*3 steeples), 10.8m (3.6*steeple), 12m (4*3steeple), 4m high to 7m in wall height. The framework of the greenhouse is made of galvanized steel materials, connected by galvanized and anti-rot bolts and screws, with no welded point. The top and the surrounding area of the greenhouse can be used for a rack and pinion motor drive ventilation equipment, water curtain fan cooling equipment, inner shade, and other facilities equipment to meet different customer needs. Besides, it can be used for exhibitions, seed-breeding, flower or vegetable markets or malls, ecological restaurants, teaching and scientific research, etc.

    Description of Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops
    1.Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops main structure use multi-span structure, the main skeleton use hot-dip galvanized steel pipes, outside cover with 5+6+5 hollow glass.
    2.Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops can use as an agriculture greenhouse, such as planting vegetables, flowers, fruits. also in china will be used as an ecological restaurant, a sightseeing department.
    3.Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops outside cover roof and all 4 walls we all use 5+6+5 hollow glass.

    Features of Multi-span glass greenhouse for agricultural crops
    1.Modern appearance, good looking.
    2. Good light transmittance, 97% for single layer, 88% for double layer.
    3. Stable structure, it has strong snow, rainfall & wind resistance.
    4. Good draining ability.
    5. Anti-age, anti-sweat
    6. Large area for cultivating.

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