
Solution to Oil Leakage of Brick Machine

in Powerkiting - Unna 09.04.2020 08:35
von haomei

Oil leakage of rotary shaft of high quality qt4-15 fly ash brick machine:

The rotor shaft includes the clutch handle shaft of the starter's gear lever shaft and the engine's pressure reducer shaft. In case of oil leakage, the gearshift lever shaft of the starter and the clutch handle shaft can be cut out the sealing ring groove on the lathe and fitted with the corresponding size of the sealing ring. If the pressure reducer ring aging failure, should replace a new ring.

block making machine switch oil leakage:

If the ball valve is worn or corroded, the rust between the ball valve and the seat hole should be removed, and an appropriate steel ball should be selected instead. Repair or replace the fastener and seal packing if the sealing packing and fastening thread are damaged. If the cone joint surface is not tight, can be fine valve sand and oil grinding.

High quality interlocking brick machine pipe joint oil leakage:

If due to high pressure tubing joint wear deformation or crack, it can be cut off, replace a good joint welding. If the low pressure oil pipe joint is damaged, the bell mouth can be cut off and the bell mouth can be made again. If the thread is damaged, repair or replace it with a new one. The hollow bolt pipe joint includes fuel oil coarse, fine filter and injection pump low pressure oil pipe joint. If due to gasket damage or assembly uneven, you can change with plastic gasket, or with assorted file repair, can also be used sandpaper grinding, serious milling machine milling. If there is a drawing mark on the pipe joint assembly plane, fine sandpaper or oil stone can be used to smooth the joint assembly plane and gasket. If there are impurities in the mating surface, please pay attention to the body cleaning during assembly, and the joint fixing bolts should be tightened evenly.

block making machine screw plug oil plugging oil:

Screw plug oil plugging oil part includes cone plug, flat plug and process plug, if the oil plug screw is damaged or unqualified, should be replaced with a new part; If the screw hole damage, you can increase the size of the screw hole, with new oil plug. If because conical block wear, can use tap tapping after the flat block, and then pad assembly.

Low price qt10-15 brick moulding machine plane joint oil leakage:

If the contact surface is uneven or there are furrows or burrs on the contact surface, according to the contact surface roughness, the use of a mixed file, fine sandpaper or oil stone grinding, large machine tool iron flat. In addition, the assembly of shim to qualified, at the same time to clean, put down. If the bolts are loose, tighten the bolts.

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