In the daily work of the workpiece, there are physical phenomena such as softening and rupture of the cutting piece. This is due to various factors. The following is a summary for the consumers and answering questions. Henan green cutting disc andsuper thin 115 cutting disc large slice film solution is a technical problem, but also caused by the comprehensive factors, mainly related to the process plan, technical route, formula, the consistency of raw materials and process.
When the hardening temperature is low, or the temperature is too high, the temperature and humidity suddenly change greatly. In addition, the fluctuation of the relevant technical indexes of the raw materials simultaneously meets the requirements of the Huaji cutting wheel film. If the hardening curve is the same as before, the film will be Will be produced.
The low hardening stability means that the hardening temperature of the resin grinding wheel should be provided in time when the season alternates or the temperature and humidity change significantly due to the double influence of the environment and raw materials. The hardening is high, which means that the hardening curve has been adjusted, but when the stability is reduced, the weather is dry and the hardening is not lowered in time, which is also easy to cause the grinding wheel film.